Chasing Higher Response Rate. Is It Really Worth It?
Jiří Remr
Text turns the attention to nonresponse that is the one of the key characteristic of both evaluation and research inquiries. Besides the review of most important definitions of nonresponse, an overview of selected approaches for improvement the response rate is presented. Moreover, the possible changes to research design are introduced and discussed. However, the main attention is paid to follow-ups, their usefulness and impact on response rate and bias of the research estimates. Text also demonstrates how the follow-ups can influence the structure of the research sample and how it affects the character of achieved results. Specific attention is paid to answering the question of optimal number of follow-up waves. Presented conclusions are based on empirical data describing the satisfaction with information system BENFIT7; such data were collected by Institute for evaluations and social analyses with the use of CAWI.
Jiří Remr, Institut evaluací a sociálních analýz,
Remr, J. (2015) „Honba za vyšší návratností. Stojí opravdu za to?“. Evaluační teorie a praxe 3(1): 33–59