Decision-making Strategy Concerning Questions about the Frequency of Behavior
Markéta Tůmová
This article "Response strategies of behavioral frequency questions" deals with response strategies that respondents use to determine the frequency of behavior during the cognitive process of answering to the open-ended as well as closed behavioral frequency questions. The theoretical part describes different response strategies used by respondents and deals with variety of factors that influence the choice of these strategies. The analytical part is based on a qualitative research method of cognitive interview. It describes different types of response strategies used by Czech respondents and deals with the frequency of their use. The article concludes that the estimation strategy is used more frequently than the episodic enumeration strategy. However the episodic enumeration strategy is still used more frequently than the other strategies when deciding on the frequency of regular behavior.
Markéta Tůmová, Institut sociologických studií, Fakulta sociálních věd, Univerzita Karlova v Praze,
Tůmová, J. (2014) „Strategie rozhodování u otázek na frekvenci chování“. Evaluační teorie a praxe 2(1): 79-98