Evaluační teorie a praxe
Ročník 2(2)
Odborné stati


Control and Evaluation Activities in SMEs

Zuzana Šidlichovská



The main objective of the article is to highlight the practical benefit of permanent monitoring and evaluation activities in small and medium-sized enterprises with using a case study as a research tool. The first part of the article is devoted to an initial insight into the specifics of monitoring and evaluation activities implemented in organizations such as SME’s in general. The second part introduces the basic methodological framework used in the evaluation methodology and the description of evaluation cycle highlights the differences between the control and evaluation activities by monitoring and reporting processes. The following section presents the system of control and evaluation activities in the selected business study. Identified benefits that SME‘s can use to make processes more efficient and to optimize theirs functions are summed up in the conclusion.


Zuzana Šidlichovská, Filosofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, zsidlichovska@gmail.com

Šidlichovská, Z. (2014) „Kontrolní a evaluační aktivity v MSP“. Evaluační teorie a praxe 2(2): 39-67


3. 3. 2016
Special Issue
22. 6. 2015
New issue of 2015
5. 12. 2014
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