Evaluační teorie a praxe
Ročník 2(1)
Odborné stati


Typology of Metaevaluations

Jiří Remr



The text is trying to define what metaevaluation is and it also briefly points-out the key aspects of its introduction and development. The article also presents typical objectives that metaevaluations anticipate. Main part of the text is devoted to analysis of types of metaevaluations; each of the approaches je described and its main strengths and weaknesses are critically reviewed. Detailed typology of metaevaluations is followed by explication of criteria used for metaevaluations and ways how such criteria are defined. The text presents also selected methodological aspects of conducting metaevaluations; attention is paid to sampling and criteria assessment.


Jiří Remr, Institut sociologických studií, Fakulta sociálních věd, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, remr@centrum.cz

Remr, J. (2014) „Typologie metaevaluací“. Evaluační teorie a praxe 2(1): 1-22


3. 3. 2016
Special Issue
22. 6. 2015
New issue of 2015
5. 12. 2014
Aktualizace Seznamu recenzovaných neimpaktovaných periodik v ČR



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